Social Compliance Audits

ETSA Limited delivers social compliance audits against a range of standards and individual company codes including Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code using the  Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) methodology and The Coca Cola Supplier Guiding Principles (SGP).

We are contracted by clients to conduct 2nd party social compliance audits of their suppliers against set standards. We also conduct 3rd party social compliance audits for suppliers, retailers and brands that recognize us as a credible audit firm. Ethical Trade Services Africa Limited is a recognised audit firm for The Coca-Cola Company, Marks and Spencer’s, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, and Finlays. Audits are benchmarked to local and national labour laws of producing countries, international labour conventions and client specific standards. The aim of the audits is to determine the auditee’s compliance status to the requirements they are being audited against.

Pre-Audit Assessment services (1st party audits) are carried out prior to an external audit being conducted by another audit firm. The pre-audit assessment guides a supplier through the ethical labour standards which a given brand or retailer demands. ETSA Ltd. will spend time with the management and supervisors of a facility explaining the standards they are being requested to adhere to and its benefits. ETSA Ltd. will then conduct a full assessment of the site(s), including conducting interviews with workers, supervisors and management. The findings are discussed with management, supervisors and workers’ representatives. ETSA will discuss ways in which improvements can be made to reach the specified standard(s) and thus improve the working conditions of the site. An Action Plan is thereafter drawn up with the site and decisions made on how best to implement it in a timely manner.

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